Since 2009 the free project management software ProjeQtOr grew up around an enthusiastic community of users and some volunteers strongly involved.

Designed and developed by project managers for project managers, ProjeQtOr software brings now a credible alternative to proprietary softwares.

To ensure the sustainability and quality of service you expect from a professional software, we have structured the service offer around ProjeQtOr by the constitution of the simplified joint stock company (SAS) PROJEQTOR. Chaired by the designer and lead developer of the software, our company provides a pragmatic and economic answer to your project management needs and allows you to go even further in the implementation and appropriation of ProjeQtOr.

We are established in the region of Toulouse, but the dematerialisation of our services and modern communication facilities allow us to offer our services both in France and around the world:

  • SaaS hosting, to beneficiate of a dedicated instance of ProjeQtOr without caring about technical means,
  • Professional support,
  • Assistance (possible on site)
  • Training (recommended on site)
  • On demand development,
  • Providing plug-ins on special needs.