ProjeQtOr is a project started in 2009 and since then progressing through a continuous work in research, development and improvement. It is a tool that proposes to replace the use of many project management tools. Thanks to a large community of users and their multiple feedbacks, it is constantly improved to get closer to the day to day activity of its users. ProjeQtOr offers your company a project management solution all inclusive, operational and constantly improving, in order to better manage your projects.

ProjeQtOr is a quality based project organizer. It gathers under a single collaborative interface all features used by various actors in the project management process and allows you to trace all events on your projects, to find data, analyze it and build your reporting.

And besides, ProjeQtOr is a free software offered under GPL V3 (or higher) in its entirety. It generates no belonging costs and allows you to adapt it to fit your specific needs.

Discover all the features of the tool on dedicated ProjeQtOr website